10th edition of Meeting COMEX

10th edition of Meeting COMEX

The launch party of the 10th edition of Meeting COMEX, the major event of foreign trade in the Brazilian Southern Region, took place on March 7, 2023 at Joinville Entrepreneurs Association, in Santa Catarina, and Fischer  Law Firm is one of the Master’ sponsors for the tenth consecutive year. The subject in 2023 focuses on URUGUAY: Gate of International Expansion, under the leadership  of IZNER GARCIA, outcoming from the neighboring country. He is a lawyer with a postgraduate degree granted by FGV, Sao Paulo,  in Company Law, author of several articles published in specialized magazines and in newspapers  like Folha de Sao Paulo and Gazeta Mercantil, as well as writer of important books in the field of Civil, Agricultural and Corporate Law. The workshop will be presented on April 12, 2023 from 2:50 pm to 4:00 pm at Room Girassol – Expoville Convention Center. Enrollment is open for the 2nd batch of passports https://www.sympla.com.br/evento/meeting-comex-2023/1859268?gclid=Cj0KCQiAgaGgBhC8ARIsAAAyLfHuHq1H53pw-3ATkhbEJ4HDNbiA0g28s9SYvYUcrd6MZlRvyEejg9IaAovEEALw_wcB